Crestwood and Lancaster's goalies both aren't good. We scored some pretty sad shots on both. Lancaster's defense ins't that great either, we had a breakaway every 5-10 minutes, its sad on our part though that we only scored twice last time we played them. LR goalkeeper is prolly the most under rated goalie, simply cause we have no defense to help him out. Compare his game from last year to this year....SV would score 30 goals in one game.....our defense hasn't changed this year, and its down to 9. In fact most teams in our region scored over 20 goals last year against us, but this year nothing has been over a 13 goal margin....still a lot but a he!! of an improvement. Besides.....ive heard a ref on MORE than one occasion say he was on the of the best goalies they've ever seen.....everyone has bad days though, its only human.