
yes, I was referring to the white kid with the 'fro. He's gotten some ribbing from his teammates over it but has continued to grow it out nonetheless. Both Dixie and Pendleton were without two of their starting players as I've lost one of my starting forwards for the year and held a back out of the game for internal reasons. It actually worked out well since the back that I held out is one of my more hot-headed players. I'm glad to see nothing happened in the following game and I have utmost respect for your coach but I'm still not pleased with how your goalie handled himself the first game and I hope your coach took action against him. Otherwise he might repeat his actions and will run into the wrong team who will come back at him with cheap shots and I really don't want to see anyone hurt. like I said, I'm just glad nothing ended up happening. Good luck with the rest of your season. You guys have a solid program that continues to get better.