Forgetting the digression about adequate facilities and the shameless promotion that followed, the real question here is about tryouts being held before all teams are done with state cup play.

First off, "gawaine": No, we can't change our tryout dates now. The problem is that many clubs had already scheduled their tryouts to occur before the classic cup was completed. they should not have. My club did, and I now think it was a mistake. BUT, this year was weird--Easter was in March, Memorial day is not the last weekend of May, and instead of challenge state cup happening on the first weekend of May it was scheduled for the second. That's Mothers day weekend. Anyone who's been around SCYSA soccer knows that the classic cup is always on mothers day weekend, not challenge. But this year SCYSA scheduled it differently. They put memorial day as a rain-date for either cup--very bad idea. But so it is. With school getting out sooner, it put clubs in a bind: run tryouts before players leave for end of school vacations and before classic cup is completed, cram then in after classic cup, or wait until players return from vacations?

Second, SCYSA should enforce a date that before which no club can hold tryouts. If one club respects players in classic cup and does not schedule their tryouts until after, but a rival club goes ahead with tryouts before classic cup, then they have an advantage over the club that tried to do the right thing. Every club should have 1 day set when tryouts can begin. This would not interfere with challenge cup, classic cup, and the rain date. Woa--what a concept--give players a whole week or two between the end of state cup play and tryouts.