
What BFA is doing is the samething as CSC. All the top players in Cola play for their 17's last fall. Maybe you should just accept the fact that the other teams were better. I know not ALL the kids in Cola didn';t play CSC but I am sure CESA missed a kid or two. HEck Tomeck played in ATL.

If you would quit with this "always greener theory" you have always had youwould see a pretty good picture right in front of you! You have 2 guys going to usc (had another) and a handful of other talented players. you have the same thing in Cola as BFA is going to be. Some clubs might not recognize this, BUT I DON"T SEE MPSC joining up. That would be the same as NECSA. You get the players from LEX and CRSA what gives. Don't tell me we need u13 premier teams BS that leads to BURNOUT.

So what is your response?

Once a Villa always a Villa