I have to say that I feel the letter from Christi Arnold at MPSC was very poor, and greatly lacking any real substance. She states that "MPSC and the Town of Mt. Pleasant are not supportive of this alliance in any way to include philosophy, direction,..." blah blah blah. As far as I can tell, she doesn't say what it is about the Bridge philosophy and direction that they don't like.

She states that MPSC is the "most well-rounded and successful club in the Lowcountry." I will agree with that, but "well-rounded" does not consistently beat the CESA's of the world, and nobody outside of the Charleston area cares about being "most successful in the Lowcountry."

The Bridge FA may not be the perfect solution, but is that even possible? Right now, the Bridge is the best opportunity the Lowcountry has to BE the best in the state, and beyond. If you can't see that, you need to wake up!

If you are not part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem.