I'm not familiar with the baseball situation, but my first guess would be that this is a little different. With the Bridge, they are in, essence, becoming partners with each club that joins. They are not just taking away, but sort of sharing (and, no, I don’t think that is like being sort-of pregnant). Bear would do a much better job explaining what the club gets in return, but by joining the Bridge, Mt. Pleasant would at least be able to take some of the credit for their success (because they would be a member). Although, actually, MPSC will be able to take some of the credit now, because they will probably be driving some people away from MPSC and TO the Bridge. Plus, each member club gets back the portion of the registration fee that is not used specifically for some sort of organization fee (US Club Soccer, etc.). Again, Bear, please correct me if I’m wrong. But, I guess, for the most part, you are correct in that Mt. Pleasant will surely be losing some good players because they are unwilling to be flexible.

So, did Mt. Pleasant learn anything from the baseball thing?