well it happened again... lugoff beat camden 2-1 in camdens own staduium. it was a sweet victory for lugoff! the officials SUCKED, but they sucked both ways. so no complaing about how camden got screwed. Camden plays so cheap its not even funny. but i guess not cheap enough cause we kicked their butt! there was one time where the ball went out of bounds and a camden player (15) ran out of bounds and persisted to kick the ball into the players on the bench... not cool at all, but the score still remains 2-1 in lugoffs favor. as for the so called "riot" after the game. more camden players should have gotten their butts kicked, but it shouldnt have happened anyways. as for the bell RING RING RING RING RING RING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha how sweet the victory.