Several ifs to consider:
Does/Did the CRSA/CESA partnership require SCYSA approval? If so, what process is involved with that? If NECSA/CSC have a protest pending against the partnership, then I would assume that CRSA/CESA would be so apprised. If the NECSA/CSC president is an attorney, then its highly probable that a protest has been filed. If there is such a protest to block the partnership then it would be a tremendous blow to club soccer in Cola. I would also assume that the purpose of such a protest would be to control club soccer in Cola. and where the kids can play. This would be detrimental to the competitive spirit of Cola. area soccer. As much as I have ranted and raved that Cola. needed a merger of area clubs, this possibility of a protest would create a difficult environment among area clubs.
But..that is if there is a protest.