Acres, like you I had heard rumors of a complaint being filed. Unlike, everyone else, I had not heard that it was filed to keep CESA out of Cola. I had heard that it was about an alleged bylaws violation and the complaint was filed to have the bylaws enforced, if it was found that there was a violation.
I had heard that the complaint had to do with a club being bound by its geographic area. If that was found to be true then it stands to reason that no club which was already operating in one geographic area could not operate in another geographic area. As was pointed out earlier in this thread no resonable person could read the bylaws and come to that conclusion.

However, if you read the SCYSA rules they state:

B. AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS (Structure and SCYSA membership requirements)
1. AN AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION is a club or league that is properly registered with and
recognized by the SCYSA and which pays dues to, and receives benefits or services from, the SCYSA.
a. A CLUB is an organization operating within a specified community or other defined
geographical area that is a member of SCYSA and that has an identifiable membership of at
least one hundred (100) youth soccer players. This organization is in place to carry out
SCYSA’s programs for youth players.

All of rules can be found and downloaded on the SCYSA website.

Now, I consider myself a resonable person and I read that to say "A CLUB is an organization operating within a specified community or other defined geographical area..." and the SCYSA bylaws are very clear on just where the district boundaries are.

To me there is a huge difference between whinning because you don't like what is happening and asking that the rules be enforced. Like it or not rules are rules and everyone has to abide by them no matter if you are the biggest dog on the block or the smallest.

Having said all that, I AM NOT an expert on bylaws or rules so draw your own conclusions on the issue. Ultimately, only SCYSA can make the determination.