SCYSA is not a secret organization, that can operate in secrecy from its member groups. The last time I checked it is composed and funded by member organizations throughout the state. All member clubs are under the umbrella of this organization. Therefore, all member clubs should be seriously involved and informed about this issue. This is not a peripheral issue as are probably 90% of those 21,000 e-mail issues. This is an issue that needs to be openly discussed and decided.....not in this forum of course, but openly among its member groups who deserve to know the facts , who deserve to know the 'allegations' not revealed in the prior posted complaint. All state members need to be concerned with the tactics being employed by one of its fellow member clubs in a blatant attempt to serve, not the kids in this community, but to serve its own best interests. I pray upon the SCYSA board members that you put the interests of the kids in our community first, before you consider the interests of a particular club. Soccer will not grow and prosper in this community if special club interests are allowed to rule over the interests of the kids. It does take a special degree of concern and interest for what is best for the kids who play the game; and not for the club officials who desire that their club be the biggest and only option in the community. I hope the devoted, dedicated board members of SCYSA express their concern for the kids and not for just one club.