thomaspietras: After reading the decision, you have to admit, I nailed it when I said:

But in my opinion that's not the crux of all of this. Here's my prediction. If the SCYSA ever does rule on this [I think that they either have or will] and subsequently publicly release information concerning this, they will not explain their reasoning by quoting bylaws or rules. Instead, They will reference any vague bylaws possible with the word "district" in it and they will out of whole cloth create a ruling. They may even go for the brass ring and create rules that don't exist by stating the converse -- that because a bylaw doesn't say anything about allowing something it's not allowed. A far-fetched example of this: because the bylaws don't say anything about web sites, clubs are herefore prohibited from having web sites.

I would bet a lot of money on one thing. Any decision that the SCYSA makes will never reference their mission of administering, developing, and promoting youth soccer. Again, I think that you are an honorable and well-meant person. But in the last few years I've seen SCYSA registered membership declining and I have seen absolutely nothing that leads me to believe that foremost in the minds of the "inner-circle", or even second-most, is a driving passion for delivering on the SCYSA mission.

With regard to bylaws, I predict that they will completely ignore the bylaw that kdlsc posted earlier: Bylaw 214, Section1 (4): provide and coordinate opportunities for every player under its jurisdiction to participate in soccer at the developmental, intermediate, and advanced levels.

If I'm wrong, I'll apologize. I'd be absolutely amazed if I have to apologize.

I guess the silver lining is that I don't have to apologize.