We are straigh now.

"It takes more than fantasy soccer to win games."

Brazil 5 times champions of the world.
Argentina 2 times, and several times in youth worlds cups.

They don't just beat you, but they also make a fool out of yourself.

Anytime you play againts an Argentinan or a Brazilian you know you're going to go back home and practice as much as you can. You know how it is, I'm not kidding. It happens to me before.

I played againts a American who was born and raised in Brazil. He made me look like a fool and he also took the whole team one time.

Lampard may not go to Madrid. They said the same thing about Beckem and Owen... Madrid doesn't need Lampard.

Lampard needs Madrid... everybody who wants respect needs to go to Madrid to get it.

I though Brazil defeated Germany the last WC 2-0. I though Ronaldo scored the two goals! FANTASY SOCCER DOES NOT WIN ANYTHING?

You know alot man, but... better luck next time.

"You want respect? go to the field and show me want you can do with the ball." Fenomeno