Let see what do you guys think,

Soccer players.

"Futbol is for the best and the brighest"
Gabriel Omar Batistuta

"The better you look, the better you're in futbol" Fernando Cavenaghi

"Its my dream to score out of a bike in Santiago Bernabeu againts Madrid" Ronaldo

"Anybody who wants to be recognized have to play for Madrid" Michael Ladrup

"Madrid fans can think whatever they want, but I'm happy in Arsenal" Henry HAHAHAHA what a joke!

"Futbol is an art" Fernando Redondo

"He is good but he has not win anything yet, he talks too much" Ronaldo

"Football is the greates sport ever invented" The whole world

"Comparing me with Maradona is like comparing me with god" Carlos Tevez

Community quotes,

"Soccer players are hot, and smart" Chapin Cheeleaders

"I wish I played soccer for Dutch Fork or Irmo" USC student

"I played soccer once, and fell in love with it" Airport Football player

"I though soccer was just running and kicking around man, not way, too much running!" Dutch Fork Football player

"Don't call more soccer players, soccer players are too cocky" Irmo football player at a party

Interesting quotes,

"I thought Americans were the smartest people in the world, but then I saw them playing what they call football, hahahaha" Friend from Spain

"You play foot-ball with the foot don't you" Everybody

"Nobody cares about football, basketball or beisball around the world, I think is a waste of time" Erick Winalda

"If you suck I'm not going to tell you that you're good, if you suck, you suck!" Erick Winalda

Alright, later dudes.