no, no, no. metrostars: Metro-a shortened form of metropolitan, as in the metropolitan area of a city, which is basically the entire new york area. Stars obviously denotes that they are the stars of the metropolitan, the stars of new york. Forgive me, but i'm just not too big on advertising being the main aim of the sports world. I like sports teams names to mean something, have a history. Metrostars reflects the city, much like the New York mets of the MLB.
I mean, just imagine if celtic of glasgow (which was named to reflect the irish and scotish heritage in the founders of the club) were bought out by ford motor company, and renamed glasgow motors. How well would that go over? I may just be crazy, but I watch sports to enjoy them, and I like to see teams which reflect the area from which they play.
The very problem with American soccer, is that we as a people don't care enough about our own league, and our own teams. Until we do, we will remain to be only a second rate destination for the beautiful game.