>>[purpleandyellow] OK—if anyone on the message board wants to argue that we have somehow started treating females equally with males—go ahead—it doesn't happen. Maybe we can make ourselves feel better with numbers and such, but life is still sexist.<<

Okay...perhaps a bit more explanation of what these numbers mean is in order...

  • 41.5% of all high school athletes were female.

    Although more than half of high school students are female, only 41.5% of high school athletes are female.

  • 42% of all college athletes were female.

    Although 56%+ of college undergraduates are female, only 42% of college athletes are female.

  • 32% of recruitment funds were spent on females.

    Although 42% of all college athletes are female, only 32% of the money being spent on recruiting is spent on females. Morever, although 56% of college undergraduates are female, only 32% of the money being spent on recruiting is spent on females.

  • Over 56% of college students are female.

There are other "numbers" often bandied about -- for example, the fact that it is estimated by some partisan groups that over 80% of all colleges are substantially out of compliance with Title IX -- but the simple facts above pretty much state the case.

Respectfully, it's difficult to make a case based on anecdotal evidence alone -- after all, someone somewhere always has a case in which they can "prove" whatever the heck they want to prove. Thus, sometimes it's nice to spend ten minutes getting some background data and facts to buttress an argument.