>>[Big Daddy] Not a bad idea......but how do you divvy it up? On what basis would a young Mia Hamm get a scholarship over a young Cheryl Miller? Or more importantly, when would a young soccer player get a scholarship over a 3rd string offensive linemen.<<

The reason I raised it is that trying to take major sports (e.g., football) out of the equation takes us farther away from this ideal goal versus what Title IX is trying to do which is to allow females proportional participation.

I honestly would love to see men's and women's soccer get 25 fully-funded scholarships. I don't like the fact that the NCAA limits men's scholarships specifically to a sport. At the same time, if there's going to be a fully-funded 85 scholarships for football, then I want to see Title IX implemented as intended, i.e., that males and females have proportional representation as a percentage of their representation as undergraduates. This doesn't mean you can't have 25 (or more!) scholarships in men's soccer -- it just means the university has to make some tough decisions as to what additional women's programs will be funded to meet the Title IX requirements.