It has been said over and over that the world loves an underdog, the US
Olympic Hockey Team in 1980, Rocky, and look at the Appalachian State
football team against Michigan. We all look at underdogs with amazement
when they overcome odds and come out on top. We call these David and
Goliath match-ups, a reference to the Old Testament story of David who
slew a giant with as sling and a stone.
But, was this young teenager really an underdog?
This scrawny teenager, who was not yet old enough to fight the
Philistines was not anyone’s first choice to go into battle. His father
forbade it. He was only allowed to take provisions for his older
brothers to the front line. At the front lines he found a bunch of
cowards masquerading as warriors. They were afraid of the Philistine
Giant who mocked their impotence. So David had enough and took the giant
down with one stone. He was the ultimate underdog, right? Not so fast.
It was not chance that selected David for this task. It was God. God
sees the heart. Unlike us he knows what is on the inside of every
person. God chose David because of David’s complete faith in God. That
faith had led David to defeat lions and bears bare-handed and now it
would bring down a monster whose shield weighed more than David. David
put on the full armor of God and without thinking twice slew Goliath
with one stone. He didn’t even wear outer armor himself, instead
choosing to believe that God’s protection was all he needed.
If you think about it, David was always favored to win, having been
chosen by God through faith to be exactly where he was and who he was.
Goliath did not have a chance. David’s faith was bigger than any of his
monsters. Without fear, hesitation, or excuse he stepped in and proved
how big his God was.
There are two lessons to be learned here that can translate into
coaching…When choosing your teams this year, ask God to show you who he
wants you to work with. It may not be the biggest, strongest, most
gifted player that he chooses. But, God sees the heart. He knows and
understands every thought. Those who seek Him will find Him. Those who
reject Him, he will forsake. Earnestly pray that God will help choose
your team. He never makes mistakes.
The second lesson is that, with God on your side, through faith and
prayer, there are no giants that are too big to slay. Your giants are
only as big as your faith allows them to be. As long as God is the
biggest thing in your life, your giants will be small things.

I Samuel 17

The Weather Is Here. Wish You Were Beautiful.