You should have been sitting in the stands next to those students as I was. I was intently listening for foul language and the closest thing to it was that "you suck" was said to the referee from the stands. Otherwise no four letter words were ever used. In fact I believe it was the Dreher student section that started the AC Flora Sucks cheer! The behavior by the coach was such that the referee was unable to control the game. Don't get me wrong the refs did not change the outcome of this game. In my opinion Dreher won the game the refs did not change any otucome. But I was a witness right next to the sidelines. Until the High School League starts truly rating their referees this situation will continue. The intial yellow card was because the coach was able to show that the ball had not gone out of bounds yet the ref still made the out of bounds call. It was right at both of their feet. The ref felt the coach had showed him up and that is why the yellow card was issued. No language beside the ball is still in was said! A very similar call was made in the JV game and I had the best position in the house to see that the ref made another very poor call. He was at one end of the line and I was at the other. At least they should have the refs swith sides of the field in between games. Over two games I am sure frustration wears on both the ref and coaches. But I guess if your stuck with a poor ref in one game it carries over to the next. The red card was due to the frustration of the coaches as they have had significant and very serious injuries this year due to referee's not controling the games. These refs interacted too much with the crowd not to expect the crowd to respond. If the refs don't want to here the crowd they should "completely" ignore the crowd. When they are willing to exchange words or looks with fans they are just asking for trouble in a physical game. I can't wait for an injured player to sue the districts due to the ineptitude of High School refs to control the game. It is coming to your neighborhood soon so they might want to reserve some cash for the lawsuits.