
So what’s going on with the AC Flora soccer team? Why were they all called out of the assembly at International Day and asked to report to McClure’s office?

As most people know, AC Flora recently lost a close soccer game to Dreher. During the game, Assistant Coach Masone was given a red card by a referee, one many players on both sides of the field are saying he didn’t deserve. However, the red card trouble didn’t start there. Over the last 2 games, Flora has had 3 red cards, prompting school administration to strip Masone of his coaching privileges, and ban him from everything to do with soccer, including attending the games. School administration also kicked a player off the team after he received a red card in the Dreher game.

Now AC Flora students are taking a stand. A petition is going around to reinstate Masone as an assistant coach, and initial efforts have already been at least partially successful: Masone is now allowed to talk to his players. Only time will tell what the end result will be. Stay tuned.

When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.