Wynalda has been cheering on Donovan for the past year. He is honored that Landon is getting his just reward. He has said so publicly often. What he says elsewhere who really knows.
I am surprised that Balboa and Wynalda can be seen as any different. Both will feast on any player who has a lackluster performance. They are both player-commentators so they fill that role perfect.
Max Bretos, Christian Miles and Christopher Sullivan I believe try and bring the game on a world level. It can sound disjointed but you gotta agree they do have a passion. I will side with ya on one thing Max does not and never will have the pipes to exclaim "GOOOOOOOOAAALLLLLLLL"
Now the matchup of the century in the booth Giorgio Chinaglia, Eric Wynalda and Eric Cantona? Or did I read that in Revelations?