As the season comes to a close with conference championships, tournament championships, promotion/relegation, and state cup titles at stake, I see a lot of coaches of competitive teams (college, high school and club) having to make some tough decisions. Playing time is at a premium. Many kids who have been very good players throughout their careers, and have acheived a roster spot on a top-notch team, are now finding themselves spending a lot of time on the bench. Some don't even get into the match. I guess this is one of the many sacrafices you make for playing at the highest level.

I've also seen expanded rosters. Many college teams carry over 25 players. Many competitive club teams are carrying 17 and 18 players. The revenue is good but it makes it very tough on the coach come crunch time.

My experience is that girls are a little different from boys. Both genders want to be on the field, but with girls, I really feel that they have a little more sympathy toward their teammate on the bench. Girls want to see their friends happy and girls want to see their teammates play.

As a parent, it can be very uncomfortable too. Your kid is playing, your buddy's kid (the best friend of your son or daughter) is not. How do you sympathize? What do you say?

As the parent of the kid who is not perhaps getting the playing time you think they deserve (when the games become very important)....what do you do? Your kid is in tears after the match. If the team won....hey, be positive ("Great game, huh?")

If your team lost, and you feel your kid is getting a raw you find yourself relishing in a little schadenfreude? Do you feel guilty about feeling this way?


Kids play sports because they find it fun. Eliminate the fun and soon you eliminate the kid.