Here are a few reasons things are the way they are.
1. As someone told me yesterday "who cares if they are suspended, soccer is a communist sport anyway. They should all be playing football."

2. NW got away with it just like SV's goalie got a red card in the state semi but was allowed to play in the final.

3. This is the way it has been this way in SC for the last 50 years, and that is the way it will always remain.

4. Someone must really be lock into the "good old boys" club, and got NW off. If you went to high school with the board, your boys couldn's have done anything wrong.

And yes, let's pray that the girls sue them to play. In fact let's start a fund to help them pay.

Did I miss anything???

"Boys, even if it means dying on the pitch, we must win!" Marc-Vivien Foe 1975 - 2003