This argument about not knowing about the rule is played out. I know enough about the law to know that ignorance of the law does not excuse you from penalty. " Excuse me officer, I didn't know the speed limit was 40". Yeah, OK.

It wasn't the kids responsibility, I think everyone sees that, it was the coach, and kids are punished by the league due to coaches errors.This BS about NW being a contender is irrelevant.

We have seen two different coaches handle circumstances in very differnt ways in a matter of days. I, for one, hold Wayne Quinlan in higher light than I did 24 hours ago.

All of the Rock Hill crowd can get on here and rationalize this away but at the end of the day NW got a pass. I don't think anyone wants any of the players in Rock Hill to suffer- the outrage I believe stems from a lack of equity.THere is absolutly no argument on this point.
