
Uh, no. If I'm going to coach, I'm going to coach whatever gender and whatever age group I want to coach (assuming it's available at my particular club). I'm not going to be regulated by some petty legislature that is too lazy to create a seperate rule book for individual sports because it requires 6 hours of their time or a simple email to a Kevin or Kyle Heise asking for help. I'm glad that you know for a fact about such and such state that does this and that. It doesn't make it or you right by any means. Limiting someone's profession is absolutely...well, lame and to many of us teaching may be the side job to pay the bills but, coaching is the profession. It's what we love to do and, it's what we live for. What you're suggesting would almost kill the high school sport of soccer. If you'd like me to elaborate on that, I could. You're also trying to tell me that I can't coach my kids in my tactical scheme with my tactics for 12 months out of the year. This, ofcourse, is obviously hyperbole because no one coaches 12 months a year, BUT, you're trying to tell me that because I'm a better coach than you that I can't coach my kids anymore because it might enable me to teach them more about the sport of soccer over a period of time, that as of right now is available to you as well? OK

And, no, 10-12 year olds do not necessarily require the best coaches. Technical training is something done over and over in repitition to build muscle memory and confidence in your athleticism, thus building skill. To be honest, from a coaching standpoint, a player could train himself to have very good technique by just using a ball and/or a set of cones. That's why some of the best technical players in the world come from places like Brazil where in the dirt streets they just play for hours and hours and develop their skills on their own from early child hood to the pro's. That's pretty much common sense in my realm to be honest

Last edited by TugJobber; 02/04/08 10:29 PM.

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