Agreed Daddy,

It's not a bad thing for the sport of soccer but, in terms of HS athletics being run "across the board" it'd be tough to have this de-regulation of rules co-exist amongst other sports. There are a lot of other sports that'd have to agree on something like that. I'm sure most coaches hate the though of having any "dead-time" what so ever.


You're right. Football is king in this state. It's king in America and until has been hard pressed to find it's little niche in the sport spectrum. I'm of the opinion that if we as a state, a sport, and a nation want to create a quality soccer product (if that's our top goal as a soccer-playing country) why are we trying to put limits on how much coaching our kids receive? It's like, somewhere along the lines someone has forgotten that coaches are here to teach players and then to win games, not the other-way around. Instead, some people are upset that some schools have players who can play the sport year round and some cannot through various, understandable, reasons and, they want how much time kids can be coached to be limited to give their school a fair shot at winning. That just doesn't seem to be in the best interest of ALL athletes around the state.
It's tough to explain. Maybe that helps clear my rambles up a bit. Then again, it probably doesn't help at all.

Puttin A's on B's