There is nothing wrong with playing any sport year round, my point is that if HS soccer went out of its way to try and secure a year round season, other sports would want it too, and although football is a greuling sport they could easily adapt the rules to make it year round, like have 7v7 turnaments in the spring, have no one in the spring wear full pads- just shoulder pads helmets so the linemen can work on one-on-one blocks and blocking assignments (think spring practice expanded over 3 months rather than 2 weeks).
That would remove those facilities that alot of soccer teams use at the school from being available to the soccer teams, wipping out HS soccer in this statebecause most schhols especially older ones don't have the facilities for multiple large field sports being played at once. I know new schools like Blythewood and RV would have no problem accomdating it but no school in Richland one can that means no more soccer at Dreher or Flora.
Which goes back futbol's question I saw about why HS soccer is in the spring down here not the fall like everywhere else. My understanding is after the Cosmos got America into soccer again in the mid to late 70s schools everywhere started adding it (hence USC celebrated its 30 anniversary this season). Schools down here because of a lack of soccer specific athletes couldn't compete for athletes with football and needed to play in a different season 1st attempt was winter which didn't work well so they moved it to the spring. Up north where I'm from they have whole seperate infrastructure for soccer than football, to allow both to coexist at the same time.