Beaufort 1
Berkeley 0

I'll take the "dagnabit" since you're not using it, TK.

Missing about third of my team due to spring break...remind me to strangle someone at our district office for scheduling our break on a different week than every other county we play. Still, a good game; players stepped up to fill the gaps for the missing quite well. Beaufort brought a very consistent attack that put a lot of pressure on our defense...the goal came on a post run late in the first half that we failed to pick up in time. Game was shortened to 30-minute halves by the officials due to a late start, and we weren't able to get it back despite several good scoring opportunities, including a header that the keeper just reeled in before it cleared her head. Nice job by the Beaufort squad...we'll see you again next year!

I've got good news and bad news...