RO&H replies:

1) I am old.
2) I am retired, therefore predictions have no meaning or value in my life except to predict that my Friday morning trips to Krispy Kreme with my two year old grandson, followed by a trip to the Greenville commercial airport to watch planes, followed by lunch with my daughter and her family, followed by soccer practice with the Blue Ridge girls, followed by the ability to go to bed at 7 if I want means...
3) I am very happy.
Having never seen either team, I was just reading the press on Aiken, and thought a nice comment might spur them on. Lexington must be off the planet, but I hope the game is a good one.
It is really cool to have this forum at 5 in the morning when I wake up and no one else is up.


Retired, Old, Happy, and off into the sunset