Every year this same thing comes up. There are good refs and there are refs that a horrible. The good ones are rarely noticed, and the bad ones rarely decide a game, they just get everyone p**sed off. They make calls equally bad in both directions. The question is how to get consistently better refereeing, and identify those that are capable and encourage them to keep coming out.
How about each coach from each match turning in a review (ok, the winner thinks he's great, and the loser gives him zero's) but combine these with actual reviews from random, impartial and knowledgeable observers. Then add a written test for knowledge to get a class rating similar to coaching. If a school wants a class 'A' ref to center in their games, let them charge an extra dollar for admission and give the extra $100 to the ref. In most instances, you get what you pay for. I say we figure out how to identify excellence and pay for it.

I didn't do it, but if I had you never would have known.