
Why are soccer ref's such thin skinned pansies? I was at a game last night where a ref stopped a game & told the home coach that he had to tell his fans to stop yelling at the ref's. He said if it continued that he would kick them out or stop the game. There were no obscenities yelled. Just typical crowd response when there is an obvious offsides or handball. Our goalie said that during the game, after a bad call, she glared at the ref. The ref yelled at her to not look at him like that when he makes a call. I guess maybe he got his feelings hurt when a FIFTEEN year old girl looked at him sternly. If these pansies can't handle criticism, they need to find a different line of work. Can you imagine if they reffed a baketball/football game?

Sounds to me like you had a case of the official with the chemical imbalance. Heh, ya'll probably think I'm kidding about him having a chemical imbalance but really he does! Didn't Kyle Heise get thrown out of his pressbox last year during conversation with an official BEFORE the 2nd half of a JV scrimmage for not stopping the clock with two minutes left or something? It's SAD.

Puttin A's on B's